About Me

Ol’ dirt road outside of Mendoza, Argentina

I am 20-something aspiring Travel Writer/Daily Show Guest/Wanna-be Grad Student. Dream big or go home. As you can guess, I love traveling. I have traveled to over 16 countries in Latin America (not that I’m counting or anything) and I hope to take my readers along for the rest of the ride. Currently I am living in Buenos Aires, patiently waiting for my friends and family to realize everything is better in the Southern Hemisphere. Updated June 10, 2013: Please see Buenos Aires I’m Gonna Leave You – I am currently on the road in South East Asia.

I also love writing (funny how these things work). I have a very supportive group of family and friends whose constant praise has lead to me to delusions of grandeur, encouraging me to believe that I should become more ambitious with my blogging. With Traveling Meg I hope to provide glimpses of my daily life and travels, as well as just maybe, just maybe, providing practical traveling tips.

Curious where this adventure will take me? So am I.


Practical Meg

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